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Frequently Asked Questions

What is coaching?

ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

What are your fees?

First session is always complimentary! Packages range in price and duration depending on the services we determine will be most effective and will make the most sense with your budget.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Generally, coaching is more focused on helping you achieve your future goals, while psychotherapy tends to have more of a past and present, healing focus.

What is "Core Energy" coaching?

The Core Energy coaching process was produced by iPEC's (the program I am trained and certified by) founder, Bruce D Schneider after many years of research and development in the field and science of human potential and consciousness. The process utilizes the best of various modalities; including, but not limited to; psychotherapy, consulting, Reiki, mentoring, metaphysics, NLP, adult learning theories and emotional intelligence. The relationship coach and client create is more of a partnership to help clients better manage their lives, create greater fulfillment, identify and live their dreams.
The Core Energy process helps bring out the potential in a client, be it a person, couple, family, or corporation. It helps people tap into their inner purpose and passion and connect that with outer goals and tasks to bring about extraordinary and sustainable results. Based on the belief that true, positive change starts from within, the process helps clients consciously connect with their core thoughts and emotions, or, "coaching from the inside out."

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